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The bioeconomy is crucial for a sustainable, resource-efficient and environmentally sound economy. It is an important building block for achieving the transformation to a sustainable circular economy and meeting societal needs in an environmentally sound way.
The transformation of the status quo challenges all of us. But where are we today? How are research findings being translated into practice?
The 5th International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg aims to provide an answer to these questions.
Funded by the State of Baden-Württemberg, the University of Stuttgart cordially invites you!
Join the
5th International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg
18-19th September 2024
Schwabenlandhalle, Guntram-Palm Platz 1, 70734 Fellbach.
Event languages: German and English
The International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg offers an exclusive platform for exchange between regional, national and
international researchers, municipalities, innovative companies and interested users. The focus is on discussions and contributions on
application-related bioeconomy topics as a contribution to sustainable economics.
Each congress days beginns with a high-level plenary panel discussion with representatives from policy and economy:
- National and international perspective on urban and industrial bioeconomy (Panel discussion on 18th September)
- Bioeconomy as innovation driver for rural areas (Panel discussion on 19th September)
The plenary discussions are followed by topic-specific panel and parallel session below as indicated in the programme outline
The International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg not only offers a forum for exciting presentations and discussions, but also the opportunity to build networks and promote partnerships between research and industry. Secure your place now and be part of the pioneering event.
The participation is free of charge. Due to limited places, a registration is required. The congress will be supported by simultaneous translation software.
If you are still looking for suitable accommodation, the following hotels are nearby.
We are looking forward to your participation!
5th Bioeconomy Congress
Guntram-Palm Platz 1, 70734 Fellbach
Wednesday, September 18th 2024
8:30 AM
Admission and Networking Café
9:15 AM
Welcome and Opening of the 5th International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg (Room Hesse)
Dr. Andre Baumann, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel, President of the University of Stuttgart
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart
9:45 AM
Plenary Session: National and International Perspectives on Urban and Industrial Bioeconomy – Importance of Secondary Raw Material
Streams (Room Hesse)
Moderator Prof. Dr. Christine Lang, Co-Chair International Advisory Council for Global Bioeconomy
Dr. Andre Baumann, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg
Esther Rommel, Regional Minister of the Province of Noord-Holland
Max Kroymann, Head of the division "Bioeconomy; Biotech and Food Industry" at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
Dr. Markus Wolperdinger, Co-Chairman of the Bioeconomy Advisory Board Baden-Württemberg; Head of Institute, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB)
Dr. Torben V. Borchert, Scientific Director Biotech, Novo Nordisk Foundation
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart
11:15 AM
Coffee Break
11:45 AM
Circular Bioeconomy as an Integrative System Approach – Sustainable Transformation Processes in Urban Areas (Room
This session highlights the circular bioeconomy as a holistic approach to promoting sustainable transformation processes in urban areas. Experts from various disciplines will present innovative strategies and projects that contribute to the development and implementation of sustainable bioeconomic solutions in urban contexts.
Moderator Prof. Dr. Christine Lang, Co-Chair International Advisory Council for Global Bioeconomy
Dr.-Ing. Ursula Schließmann, Stellvertretende Institutsleiterin Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB, Koordinatorin Geschäftsfeld Umwelt und Klimaschutz
Lenz Sulzer, Project Manager for Bioeconomy, TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH
Prof. Dr. Iris Lewandowski, Co-Chair, "Sustainable Bioeconomy" Advisory Board of the Baden-Württemberg; Chief Bioeconomy Officer, University of Hohenheim
Siegfried Egner, Head of Physical Process Engineering Department, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and
Biotechnology, Fraunhofer IGB
Prof. Dr. Oliver F.R.A. Damm, Senior Advisor South Africa, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Associate Professor Extraordinary, Stellenbosch University
1:15 PM
Lunch Break
2:15 - 4:00 PM
Parallel Sessions 1
Inspiring success stories from companies that have successfully integrated the principles of bioeconomy into their business models. The presented companies demonstrate how sustainable practices and innovative technologies can create not only ecological but also economic value. Participants learn from practical examples and gain valuable insights into how bioeconomy can be implemented in different industries and application areas.
Moderator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart
Janina Jarothe, Senior Project Engineer, rezembo GmbH
Dr. Thibault Godard, Chief Science Officer, Infinite Roots
Dr. Thomas Helle, CEO, Novis GmbH
Dr. Gabriele Wittmann, Director of Research, Continental Surface Solutions
Dr. Marta Tous-Mohedano, Project Research Associate, Biome Bioplastics
Municipalities are managers of our daily lives and for that reason managing large material streams, such as waste and waste water, granting building permissions and have a good overview and access to economic actors in their administrative area. This makes municipalities to key actors for the local bioeconomy implementation.
Moderator Dr. Elisabeth Saken-Braunstein, Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector
Dr. Manfred Kircher, Freelance Consultant for Bioeconomy, Member of the Board of BioBall e.V
Linus Gleisberg, Project Manager, Competence Center EU Logistics & Mobility, Frankfurt Economic Development GmbH
Jan Kohlmeyer, Head of Climate Protection Unit, City of Stuttgart
Dr. Miriam Freudenberger, Project Manager for Municipal Bioeconomy, Metropolitan Region Rhine-Neckar
Sebastian Damm, Board Member, Circular Economy Neckar-Odenwald AöR
The session provides valuable insights into funding opportunities, technology transfer, and support services. It is aimed at founders and young entrepreneurs and provides practical guidance on how to successfully build and grow a bioeconomy start-up.
Moderator Robin Schmücker, Project leader Location development for sustainable transformation, The Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (contacted)
Robîn Delipalta, Managing Director, Algoo UG and Naxcon
Ferdinand Bierbrauer, Managing Director, Algoo UG and ALGAE-SL GmbH & Co KG
Nick Viellieber, Co-Founder and CPO, Algoo UG
Florian Stark, Technology Transfer Manager, IHK Region Stuttgart
Dr. Nadja Schlichenmaier, Project Manager, Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
The session showcases innovative approaches to the use of wastewater in the bioeconomy. Practical and research examples demonstrate how wastewater streams can be converted into valuable resources, contributing to a sustainable circular economy.
Moderator Dr. Ursula Schließmann, stv. Institutsleiterin, Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und
Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB
Dag Höft, Projekt Manager Water Technologies, PreZero Service Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Michaela Rohrbach, Research Associate, Institute for Social-Ecological Research
Dominik Neusch, Founder, ECO Water Solution GmbH
Prof. Dr. Harald Horn, Professor für Wasserchemie und Wassertechnologie, Engler-Bunte-Institut, Wasserchemie und
Wassertechnologie KIT
Dr.-Ing. Marius Mohr, Head of Water Technologies, Resource Recovery, and Scale-Up Department, Fraunhofer Institute for
Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB)
Sustainability in construction is a central aspect of bioeconomy as it not only contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions but also promotes the use of renewable and environmentally friendly materials. The session discusses innovative building materials and how current developments and future trends in sustainable construction can strengthen the bioeconomy.
Moderator Dr. Jürgen Frick, Head of Department / Deputy Head of Unit Materials Testing Institute
Tilmann Kramolisch, Managing Director, natureplus e.V
Christian Kaiser, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP)
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arch. Hanaa Dahy, CEO BioMat TGU
Dr. Nazanin Saeidi, Head of Research at the Chair of Sustainable Construction, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Prof. Dirk Hebel, Dean of the Department of Architecture, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
4:00 PM
Coffee Break
4:20 - 6:05 PM
Parallel Sessions 2
The session presents innovative processes and technologies for utilizing biological resources. It addresses the question: How can biotechnological processes contribute to the sustainable production of materials, chemicals, and energy, thereby laying the foundation for a future-oriented bioeconomy?
Moderator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart
Dr. Sebastian Beblawy, Co-Founder EveryCarbon
Dr. Peter Schmiedel, Head of Research, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Vitor Martins dos Santos, Wageningen University and Research - IBISBA
Sarah Harbarth, Founder & CEO, Kuori.material
Adrian Eilingsfeld, Corporate Bionic Projects, Festo SE & Co. KG
This session highlights challenges and solution strategies for bioeconomic projects. Practical examples illustrate how these can be identified, addressed, and overcome at the municipal and corporate levels.
Moderatorin Paulina Leiman, Technology Scout CO₂-Recycling, Umwelttechnik BW GmbH
Johannes Kurz, Project Manager Bioeconomy, Environmental Technology BW
Dr. Bernd Bienzeisler, Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (IAO)
Dr. Christian Klar, Head of Coordination Office, BioökonomieREVIER
Dr. Viola Bronsema, Managing Director, BIO Deutschland e.V.
Dr. Manuela Köhler, Chief Scientist Feedstock and Formula Science, Beiersdorf AG
The session highlights innovative approaches to the use of CO2 in the bioeconomy. It shows how the greenhouse gas can be converted into valuable products and provides insights into technological developments contributing to a sustainable carbon circular economy.
Moderator Dr. Ursula Schließmann, Deputy Director, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and
Biotechnology IGB
Pavan Venkiteswaran, scientific staff, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart
Dr. Arne Roth, Head of Department Sustainable Catalytic Processes, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and
Biotechnology IGB (BIOCAT)
Dipl.-Ing. Gordon Brinitzer, Algae Biotechnology | Algae Biotechnology Development, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB
N.N., Adidas
Cities must achieve a new co-existence of built and natural environments on the path to climate neutrality in the 21st century. This session presents and discusses novel approaches and potentials of nature-based solutions for urban surfaces, biophilic buildings, or living forms, supply and water cycles in the urban system - how do we achieve broad application in "The Länd"?
Moderator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vanessa Borkmann, Director of the Urban System Design Research Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO
Dr.-Ing. Pia Krause, Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP)
Jonathan Müller, Managing Director, Helix Plant Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Vanessa Borkmann, Director of the Urban System Design Research Department at the Fraunhofer Institute for
Industrial Engineering IAO
Stefan Prakesch, Managing Director, ARIS Systems GmbH
6:10 PM
Closing Remarks for Day 1 of the Congress (Room Hesse)
Dr. Andre Baumann, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg
Dr. Dr. Christian Patermann, Former Director, European Commission; Former Ministerial Director
Prof. Dr. Christine Lang, Co-Chair International Advisory Council for Global Bioeconomy
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart
Dr. Markus Wolperdinger, Co-Chairman of the Bioeconomy Advisory Board Baden-Württemberg; Head of Institute, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB)
6:40 PM
Thursday, September 19th 2024
8:30 AM
Admission and Networking Café
9:15 AM
Welcome and opening of second congress day (Room Hesse)
Sabine Kurtz, Secretary of State, Ministry for Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg
9:30 AM
Bioeconomy as innovation driver for rural areas (Room Hesse)
Moderator Prof. Dr. Iris Lewandowski, Co-Chair, "Sustainable Bioeconomy" Advisory Board of the Baden-Württemberg State Government; Chief Bioeconomy Officer, University of Hohenheim
Sabine Kurtz, Secretary of State, Ministry for Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg
Béatrice Moreau, Vice-President of the Grand-Est Region, responsible for Agriculture, Viticulture, and Forestry
Dr. Sabine Kulling, Director, Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food
Dr. Peter Risser, Head of the Research Farm Kirschgartshausen, Südzucker AG
Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Karle, Founder and CEO Agro Energie Hohenlohe GmbH & Co. KG
11:00 AM
Coffee Break
11:30 AM
Biotechnologie Today (Room Hesse)
The session showcases successful current applications of industrial biotechnology within the context of the bioeconomy. It demonstrates how modern biotechnological approaches provide sustainable solutions for industrial processes, environmental protection, and health, thereby playing a key role in the transformation towards a bio-based economy.
Moderator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart
Dr. Stephan Freyer, Head of Bioprocess Development, BASF SE
Dr. Lena Schaffert, Expert Metabolic Engineering, Covestro Deutschland AG
Dr. Christian Trötschel, Scientific Lead, Chr. Hansen HMO GmbH, part of Novonesis Group
Dr. Wilfried Blümke, Head of Process Design & DSP in Evonik´s BiotechHub, Evonik Operations GmbH
13:00 PM
Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45 PM
Parallel Sessions 3
3a - Biofactories – Modularization, Digitization, Automation, Measurement, and Control Technology (Room Hesse) [+]
The session highlights the latest developments in advanced automation and digitization technologies, modular systems, as well as modern measurement and control technology, which enhance the efficiency and sustainability of various productions, thereby advancing bioeconomy.
Moderator Dr. Ludger Eltrop, Head of System Analysis and Renewable Energy, Institute of Energy Economics and Rational Energy Use IER, University of Stuttgart
Sabine Cecere, Senior Sales Representative Food & Beverage, Siemens AG
Dr. Nina Gaißert, Referentin Portfolio Projects, Festo SE & Co. KG
Dr. Helmut Köster, Board Member, PantaBio AG
N.N., RoKKa Project Partner Measurement technology/automation
Siyavuya Madlanga, CEO
Bio-based fibers can have very different origins, properties, and application possibilities. This session provides an overview and insights into current research. Companies demonstrate practical applications and innovative everyday products made from bio-based fibers.
Moderator Prof. Dr. Iris Lewandowski, Co-Chair Advisory Board for "Sustainable Bioeconomy" of the Baden-Württemberg State Government, Chief Bioeconomy Officer at the University of Hohenheim
Univ. Prof. Dr. Martin Kaltenbrunner, Head of Soft Matter Physics Department, Head of LIT Soft Materials Lab, Johannes
Kepler University Linz
Dr. Evelyn Reinmuth, Head of Bioeconomy Office, University of Hohenheim
Oliver Mergens, Vaude Academy
Dr. Antje Ota, Deputy Head, Competence Center Biopolymer Materials, German Institutes for Textile and Fiber Research
Hermann Dauser, CTO, Fibers365 GmbH
Erna Nawrath, Specialist in Fiber Development, Technikum Laubholz
The session is dedicated to the paradigm shift from waste management to the utilization of waste streams as resources and the creation of a circular economic system. It highlights how companies and municipalities can overcome the concept of waste and instead view and utilize the streams as valuable resources.
Moderator Dr. Ursula Schließmann, stv. Institutsleiterin, Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB
Dr. Benedikt Hülsemann, Team Leader, State Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Bioenergy, University of
Dr. Susanne Zibek, Group Leader Bioprocess Development, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and
Biotechnologie (IGB)
Dr. Esther Gabor, Director, Unit Head Microbial Strain Development, Brain AG
Katharina Fraune, Leiterin Nachhaltige Transformation und Leiterin Standortkommunikation Standort Rheinfelden, Evonik
Operations GmbH
Dr. Ulrike Schmid-Staiger, Group Manager Algae Biotechnology Development, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial
Engineering and Biotechnologie (IGB)
The session aims to provide a platform for (young) researchers to present their latest research results and their significance for bioeconomy to a broad audience.
Moderator Dr. Dinah Henritzi, Scientific Co-ordination Manager of the project ‘Stuttgart Research Initiative - Valorisation of Bioresources’ (SRI ValBio), University of Stuttgart
Maiia Smirnova, Research Assistant, Institute for Lightweight Structures and Conceptual Design, University of Stuttgart
„Circular and carbon neutral production of structural components out of bio-concrete”
Katharina Hofer, Research Assistant, Institute for Biochemical Engineering IBVT, University of Stuttgart
„Production of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) with side stream products from Fibers365 steam explosion process by Paraburkholderia sacchari”
Dr. Michael Richter, Head of Department Bioinspired Chemistry, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB
„Bioinspired chemistry as exclusive entry to sustainable synthesis”
Marielle Trenkner, Research Assistant, Department of Biobased Resources in the Bioeconomy, University of Hohenheim
„KeRaus - Nutrient Recycling from urban waste and residue streams for fertilizer use in agricultural production“
Dr. Kristin Protte-Freitag, Subject Area Leader for Bio-integrated Production Technology for Valorization of Side Streams, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA
„From waste to value: Processing of residual Aspergillus Mycelium as a Sustainable Material for Additive Biomanufacturing”
3:45 PM
Congress End
The International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg contributes as a joint measure of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector and the Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection, with conceptual support from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, to the implementation of the State Strategy Sustainable Bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg.
Financed by state funds approved by the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg.