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5. Bioökonomiekongress Baden-Württemberg 2024

The bioeconomy is crucial for a sustainable, resource-efficient and environmentally sound economy. It is an important building block for achieving the transformation to a sustainable circular economy and meeting societal needs in an environmentally sound way.

The transformation of the status quo challenges all of us. But where are we today? How are research findings being translated into practice?

The 5th International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg aims to provide an answer to these questions.

Funded by the State of Baden-Württemberg, the University of Stuttgart cordially invites you!

Join the

5th International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg

18-19th September 2024

Schwabenlandhalle, Guntram-Palm Platz 1, 70734 Fellbach.

Event languages: German and English

The International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg offers an exclusive platform for exchange between regional, national and international researchers, municipalities, innovative companies and interested users. The focus is on discussions and contributions on application-related bioeconomy topics as a contribution to sustainable economics.

Each congress days beginns with a high-level plenary panel discussion with representatives from policy and economy: 

  • National and international perspective on urban and industrial bioeconomy (Panel discussion on 18th September)
  • Bioeconomy as innovation driver for rural areas (Panel discussion on 19th September)

The plenary discussions are followed by topic-specific panel and parallel session below as indicated in the programme outline below.

The International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg not only offers a forum for exciting presentations and discussions, but also the opportunity to build networks and promote partnerships between research and industry. Secure your place now and be part of the pioneering event.

The participation is free of charge. Due to limited places, a registration is required. The congress will be supported by simultaneous translation software.

If you are still looking for suitable accommodation, the following hotels are nearby.

We are looking forward to your participation!



5th Bioeconomy Congress


Guntram-Palm Platz 1, 70734 Fellbach

Wednesday, September 18th 2024

8:30 AM
Admission and Networking Café  

9:15 AM
Welcome and Opening of the 5th International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg
 (Room Hesse)

Dr. Andre Baumann, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel, President of the University of Stuttgart

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart

9:45 AM
Plenary Session: National and International Perspectives on Urban and Industrial Bioeconomy – Importance of Secondary Raw Material Streams (Room Hesse)

Moderator Prof. Dr. Christine Lang, Co-Chair International Advisory Council for Global Bioeconomy

Dr. Andre Baumann, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg

Esther Rommel, Regional Minister of the Province of Noord-Holland

Max Kroymann, Head of the division "Bioeconomy; Biotech and Food Industry" at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action

Dr. Markus Wolperdinger, Co-Chairman of the Bioeconomy Advisory Board Baden-Württemberg; Head of Institute, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB)

Dr. Torben V. Borchert, Scientific Director Biotech, Novo Nordisk Foundation

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart 



11:15 AM 
Coffee Break

11:45 AM

Circular Bioeconomy as an Integrative System Approach – Sustainable Transformation Processes in Urban Areas (Room Hesse)

This session highlights the circular bioeconomy as a holistic approach to promoting sustainable transformation processes in urban areas. Experts from various disciplines will present innovative strategies and projects that contribute to the development and implementation of sustainable bioeconomic solutions in urban contexts.

Moderator Prof. Dr. Christine Lang, Co-Chair International Advisory Council for Global Bioeconomy

Dr.-Ing. Ursula Schließmann, Stellvertretende Institutsleiterin Fraunhofer-Institut für Grenzflächen- und Bioverfahrenstechnik IGB, Koordinatorin Geschäftsfeld Umwelt und Klimaschutz

Lenz Sulzer, Project Manager for Bioeconomy, TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe GmbH

Prof. Dr. Iris Lewandowski, Co-Chair, "Sustainable Bioeconomy" Advisory Board of the Baden-Württemberg; Chief Bioeconomy Officer, University of Hohenheim

Siegfried Egner, Head of Physical Process Engineering Department, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology, Fraunhofer IGB  

Prof. Dr. Oliver F.R.A. Damm, Senior Advisor South Africa, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Associate Professor Extraordinary, Stellenbosch University    


1:15 PM
Lunch Break


2:15 - 4:00 PM
Parallel Sessions 1 

4:00 PM
Coffee Break

4:20 - 6:05 PM
Parallel Sessions 2

6:10 PM
Closing Remarks for Day 1 of the Congress (Room Hesse)

Dr. Andre Baumann, Secretary of State, Ministry of Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg

Dr. Dr. Christian Patermann, Former Director, European Commission; Former Ministerial Director

Prof. Dr. Christine Lang, Co-Chair International Advisory Council for Global Bioeconomy

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart

Dr. Markus Wolperdinger, Co-Chairman of the Bioeconomy Advisory Board Baden-Württemberg; Head of Institute, Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB)

6:40 PM

Thursday, September 19th 2024

8:30 AM
Admission and Networking Café

9:15 AM
Welcome and opening of second congress day (Room Hesse)

Sabine Kurtz, Secretary of State, Ministry for Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg

9:30 AM
Bioeconomy as innovation driver for rural areas (Room Hesse)

Moderator Prof. Dr. Iris Lewandowski, Co-Chair, "Sustainable Bioeconomy" Advisory Board of the Baden-Württemberg State Government; Chief Bioeconomy Officer, University of Hohenheim


Sabine Kurtz, Secretary of State, Ministry for Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg

Béatrice Moreau, Vice-President of the Grand-Est Region, responsible for Agriculture, Viticulture, and Forestry

Dr. Sabine Kulling, Director, Max Rubner Institute, Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food

Dr. Peter Risser, Head of the Research Farm Kirschgartshausen, Südzucker AG

Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Karle, Founder and CEO Agro Energie Hohenlohe GmbH & Co. KG

11:00 AM
Coffee Break 

11:30 AM
Biotechnologie Today (Room Hesse)

The session showcases successful current applications of industrial biotechnology within the context of the bioeconomy. It demonstrates how modern biotechnological approaches provide sustainable solutions for industrial processes, environmental protection, and health, thereby playing a key role in the transformation towards a bio-based economy.

Moderator Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Takors, Head of Institute, Institute of Biochemical Engineering (IBVT), University of Stuttgart

Dr. Stephan Freyer, Head of Bioprocess Development, BASF SE

Dr. Lena Schaffert, Expert Metabolic Engineering, Covestro Deutschland AG

Dr. Christian Trötschel, Scientific Lead, Chr. Hansen HMO GmbH, part of Novonesis Group

Dr. Wilfried Blümke, Head of Process Design & DSP in Evonik´s BiotechHub, Evonik Operations GmbH


13:00 PM
Lunch Break


14:00 - 15:45 PM
Parallel Sessions 3


3:45 PM
Congress End

The International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg contributes as a joint measure of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and Energy Sector and the Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection, with conceptual support from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts and the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism, to the implementation of the State Strategy Sustainable Bioeconomy Baden-Württemberg.

Financed by state funds approved by the State Parliament of Baden-Württemberg.

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