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Press releases

Progress in Biogas VI

International Conference 'Progress in Biogas VI' at the University of Hohenheim in Stuttgart

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: "Continuous innovation has made Baden-Württemberg to a pioneer of the implementation and development of biogas technologies"... mehr


Funding Program 'Initiativen zur Weiterentwicklung der Leitregion Nachhaltige Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg‘ Renewed

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: "The bioeconomy undeniably contributes to the competitiveness of a climate neutral future"... mehr


Minister Hauk Visits Bioeconomy Start-Up Protein Distillery While on Summer Tour

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „The Protein Distillery is a shining example of the bioeconomy and have proven themselves with their innovative products straight out of the future of the food industry"... more

World Premier at Berlin Fashion Week: Beechwood-based Cellulose as Sustainable Textile

World Premier at Berlin Fashion Week: Beechwood-based Cellulose as Sustainable Textile

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „Technikum Laubholz is a cradle for innovation and a leader in sustainable textile and fashion production“... more

Mr Körner (City of Stuttgart) hands over the urban bioeconomy strategy to State Secretary Dr. Andre Baumann

City of Stuttgart presents Germany's first urban bioeconomy strategy: Great potential for economic development and climate protection

The administrative committee of Stuttgart's City Council discussed the circular bioeconomy strategy today and commissioned the administration to implement it. This is the first time that an urban bioeconomy strategy with 22 concrete measures has been presented and will be implemented in the future. Mehr


Publication of the Updated Sustainable Bioeconomy Strategy of Baden-Württemberg for 2025-2029

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „The bioeconomy offers solutions for the current and future challenges of society. That's why we're updating our successful Sustainable Bioeconomy Strategy and strengthening the focus on transferring knowledge into practice." 
Ministerin Thekla Walker MdL: „With sustainable bioeconomy, we create resource conserving, environmentally friendly economic system and future-capable jobs. Through innovative, green technologies, we can utilize secondary material streams like garbage, wastewater, and CO2"... more


Laubholztage at the Technikum Laubholz: Wood-based Innovations for the Textile Industry

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „Technikum Laubholz is doing elite research that is unlike anything else in Europe regarding hard wood innovation and biobased circular economy"... more

Signet Ideenwettbewerb Bioökonomie

Patron Minister Peter Hauk MdL Announces Fifth Ideenwettbewerb Bioökonomie

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „Sustainably designed for the future! We're looking for excellent biobased products and innovations for a circular bioeconomy"... more

Biogas is a Central Energy Source of the Future

Biogas is a Central Energy Source of the Future

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „Biogas is a central energy source of the future and could substantially contribution to the stablization of our electrical grid and make our traffic more environmentally friendly"… more

Rhein-Maas-Forum 2024

Rhein-Maas-Forum 2024: Supraregional Exchange Concerning European 'Green Deal' and the Contributions of the Bioeconomy

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „The circular bioeconomy provides a significant contribution to the transformation of the economy and offers solutions for current and future challenges“... more

Applications for Funding Program ‚Spitze auf dem Land!‘ Still Open

Applications for Funding Program ‚Spitze auf dem Land!‘ Still Open

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „Supporting rural companies is supporting economic resilience"... more

Minister Hauk Vists BIOENERGIE Tauberhöhe

Minister Hauk Visits BIOENERGIE Tauberhöhe

Minister Peter Hauk MdL „Biogas plant operators are strong and reliable partners, that stand ready to do their part for the secure production of renewable energy"... more

Spitze auf dem Land! 2023 Selection Round

Selection Round of the Funding Line ‚Spitze auf dem Land! Technologieführer für Baden-Württemberg‘ Receives Record Turnout mit Rekordbeteiligung entschieden

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „We support highly innovative companies by strengthening the technological leadership of Baden-Württemberg with 5,6 Mil. Euro"... more

Seventh Bioeconomy Day: Winners of the Innovationspreis BIoökonomie 2023

Seventh Bioeconomy Day: Winners of the Innovationspreis BIoökonomie 2023

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „The circular economy helps us contribute to maintaining prosperity and growth while giving our state's economy a future"... more

Transfer Center for Industrial Bioeconomy (TIB) Founded in Region Biberach

Transfer Center for Industrial Bioeconomy (TIB) Founded in Region Biberach

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „With this Transfer Center for Industrial Bioeconomy, we will create new momentum for the future of our economy as well as for climate protection"... more

TLH Pilotanlage

Technikum Laubholz: Ribbon-Cutting at the Pilot Plant that Produces Beechwood-based Textile Fibers

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „Our wood has potential beyond today's applications if we take the opportunity - not just for rural value creation but also for climate protection"... more

Spitze auf dem Land Neue Auswahlrunde 2023

Funding Line ‚Spitze auf dem Land!‘ Starts Another Selection Phase / Applications Accepted Until the 31st of August

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „With the funding line ‚Spitze auf dem Land‘, we support the innovative ideas of small and mid-sized rural businesses that strengthen the technological position of the state" ... mehr

Neue Biogasstrategie 2023

Council of Ministers Get the New Biogas Strategy Underway

Minister President Winfried Kretschmann: The continued development of the Biogas Strategy is important for the future of energy production in Baden-Württemberg... more

1. Laubholztage BW

Opening of the First Laubholztage Baden-Württemberg in Eislingen/Fils

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „The Technikum Laubholz in Göppingen is a lighthouse of biobased circular economy made in Baden-Württemberg“... mehr


‚Experience Bioeconomy Exhibit‘ at the Bundesgartenschau in Mannheim

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „The implementation of renewable materials in construction is the key to achieving our climate goals."... mehr


Funding Call "Netzwerkinitiativen zur Weiterentwicklung der Leitregion Nachhaltige Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg"

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „Innovation networks for the utilization of plant-based fibers in the construction and textiles industries further strengthen the potential of the bioeconomy."...more

Landschaft ReBioBW

ReBioBW Project Researches the Bioeconomic Potential of Agricultural Sidestreams

Residues have potential beyond just being left on the field. Changing course and using these materials economically allows for more intelligent management of limited resources... more


"Ideenwettbewerb Bioökonomie" 2023 Begins

With this competition, the state is seeking entrepreneurs with cutting edge ideas in the bioeconomy. The focus is not just on the development of a product or process, but includes services or business models as well... more

Spitze auf dem Land

"Spitze auf dem Land!" Opens a New Selection Round: Deadline for Applications 28.02.2023

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „The state supports innovative projects from small and mid-sized companies in rural areas with the 'Spitze auf dem Land' program." ...mehr

Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg

Sustainable Bioeconomy Council Presents Position Paper

As the first period of appointment comes to a close, the Sustainable Bioeconomy Council presents its recommendations for the chances of the circular bioeconomy in Baden-Württemberg... more


State Bioeconomy Strategy to be Updated

The successful "Sustainable Bioeconomy Strategy Baden-Württemberg" will be updated. This strategy contributes to the protection of natural resources, biodiversity, and the climate and gives innovations the chance to emerge. Baden-Württemberg stands as an example of a biobased and circularly-oriented economy... more

Innovation in BW

Research Plant for Biobased Materials and Products Established

Lenningen is the site of the new 'Steam-Explosion research plant', as well as other pilot plants for natural fiber processing... more

Ventilating Fan Employee

End of the 19th Selection Round of the Technology Funding Program "Spitze auf dem Land! Technologieführer für Baden-Württemberg"

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „The state government supports highly innovative companies in rural areas with 3.3 million Euro. The funding program ‘Spitze auf dem Land’ strengthens Baden-Württemberg’s position as a technological leader.“… more

Beratungsmodule - Klimaschutz, Tierwohl, Bioökonomie

New Consulting Modules Regarding Climate Protection, Animal Welfare, and Bioeconomy

New consulting modules formed within the framework of a new funding period of the Common Agricultural Policy... more

Innovationspreis 2022

Minister Peter Hauk Recognizes Five Winners of the "Ideenwettbewerbs Bioökonomie" 2022

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: "The bioeconomy offers solutions for the global challenges of the 21st century. The winners of the Innovationspreis show off the range of the bioeconomy."... more

Bioeconomy Partners Platform

Bioeconomy Partners Platform

Minister of Agriculture Peter Hauk MdL: "The 'Akteursplattform Bioökonomie' is another building block in the informational foundation for the Sustainable Bioeconomy Strategy."... more

4th Bioeconomy Congress

4th Bioeconomy Congress in Stuttgart: Potentials and Perspectives of the Circular Bioeconomy for a Climate Neutral Future Opens

Minister of Agriculture Peter Hauk MdL: "Baden-Württemberg, with the Sustainable Bioeconomy Strategy, Contributes to the Goals of the European Green Deal and Value Creation in the State."... more


State Secretary Sabine Kurtz MdL Visits Two Field Trials for the Production of Hemp and Lavender

State Secretary Sabine Kurtz MdL: "The bioeconomy in Baden-Württemberg displays the diversity of ways plants may be utilized as well as the potential of biobased materials."... more


Minister Hauk Visits the "Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung" in Denkendorf

Minister Peter Hauk: “The 'Deutsche Institute für Textil- und Faserforschung' is a part of Baden-Württemberg‘s backbone developing bioeconomical innovations to protect the climate.”… more

Lighthouse projects along the Tauberbahn

Funding Programs Keep the Ball Rolling for Sustainable Value Creation: Train Tour Reveals Rural Range in the Region

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: “Lighthouse projects along the Tauberbahn line underscore the strength of our rural areas in Baden-Württemberg.”… more

Biogas Dederer

Biogas Plant Owners are Valued Partners, Prepared to Do Their Part Producing Gas and Energy

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: “Our priorities now are timely solutions – biogas plant owners are valued partners who are prepared to do their part producing gas and energy.” … more

MLR Coat of Arms

Funding Program “Netzwerkinitiativen zur Weiterentwicklung der Leitregion Nachhaltige Bioökonomie Baden-Württemberg“ Renewed

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „The bioeconomy contributes to raw material and energy transition and secures the competitiveness of Baden-Württemberg in a climate-neutral future.”… more

BIPL Scrabble

Fourth Funding Call for Bioeconomy Opens / "Innovations- und Investitionsprogramm für den Ländlichen Raum (BIPL BW)"

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: „We plan to invest up to 35 million Euro into the bioeconomy to strengthen regional business against potential crisis and to advance Baden-Württemberg’s position as a leading region of biobased economy.”… more

European Commission Approves ERDF-Program Through 2021-2027

European Commission Approves ERDF-Program Through 2021-2027, One of the First of its Kind in Germany and Europe

Minister Peter Hauk MdL: “With this 279 million Euro ERDF funding program, we pointedly invest into the future competitiveness of the state.” The European Commission approves the ERDF-Program of the state for 2021-2027, one of the first of its kind in Germany and Europe… more

Easter package: Bioenergy Continues to Contribute to Energy Transition

Easter Package: Bioenergy Continues to Contribute to Energy Transition

Minister of Agriculture Peter Hauk MdL: “With this Easter package, we have advocated for bioenergy to be able to continue to contribute to societal energy transition.” 1000 biogas plants provide Baden-Württemberg with reliable electricity and heat. The Hop Act has been revised: two million Euro of EU subsidies are available yearly for German hops producing organizations… more

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