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Actors in the bioeconomy

Excellence Through Teamwork

Baden-Württemberg is a leader in innovation, research, and industry.
Inspired by Baden-Württemberg’s systematic research strategy “Bioökonomie im System aufstellen” (an initiative of the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts (MWK)) vast expertise and competence in the field of bioeconomy has been established with numerous actors.
Enterprises in Baden-Württemberg in the field of plant- or machine-engineering, the chemical industry, the electrical engineering industry, and automotive industry are innovative and globally sought-after partners, a fact that also extends into in the field of sustainable bioeconomy.
Because of their specific operational structures, Baden-Württemberg’s rural areas are renowned for their innovative actors. These actors make significant contributions to the goals of the sustainable bioeconomy, such as the digitalization of agriculture, the development of innovative utilization or business models, and the production of sustainable resources and functional products.

Actors in the bioeconomy
  • Competency

Bioeconomy Partners Platform

The Bioeconomy Partners Platform supports the search for suitable partners from research, economy, and education. (This project is available in German.)

  • Cooperation

Networks and State Institutions

The state of Baden-Württemberg operates an active cluster policy and supports state institutions that attend to building networks in the field of bioeconomy and other adjacent sectors.

Geförderte Clusterinitiativen
  • Cooperation

Funded Cluster Initiatives and Innovation Ecosystems

Given that networking and communication is a central element of the bioeonomy, the state is investing in connections between sectors to encourage more efficient knowledge transfer.