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Established Networks and State Institutions Active in the Bioeconomy

The state of Baden-Württemberg operates an active cluster policy and supports state institutions that attend to building networks in the field of bioeconomy and other adjacent sectors. On this page, you will find a selection of relevant state-sponsored institutions as well as other interest groups and networks.

Logo Umwelttechnik BW

Umwelttechnik BW

In close cooperation with the relevant ministries, Umwelttechnik BW (UTBW) has worked since October 2011 to advance environmental technology and resource efficiency in Baden-Württemberg. The work of the UTBW has resulted in an overall benefit for the state, its economy, and its citizens.
The UTBW serves as an interface between economy, science, and policy and concentrates on the following tasks:
The institution consults and supports economy and science.
It initiates projects that deal with strategically important topics and offers its partnership to advance them.
Through sector and site marketing, UTBW raises awareness for the economic strength of environmental technology and resource efficiency in Baden-Württemberg.

Logo TLH

Technikum Laubholz

Technikum Laubholz (TLH) is an independent, non-university research institution that was founded through an initiative of the state of Baden-Württemberg, under the leadership of the Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection, in the spring of 2020.
TLH’s main tasks are to accelerate the development of innovative and high-value applications for hardwood and to establish Baden-Württemberg as an internationally recognized leader of hardwood material applications.

Logo proHolz BW

proHolz BW

ProHolz BW maintains a hub of forestry and timber networks that promote the use of wood in Baden-Württemberg. Therefore, its core activities consist of wood construction consulting, providing technical carpentry information, and cross-sectoral marketing.
From forestry enterprises to end users, proHolz BW informs, mediates, and supports subsectors along the value chain.
This state institution raises societal awareness for forestry and wood industries via intensive communication. It connects the interests of public and private builders, architects, and planners with sustainable forestry and wood industries. Currently, proHolz represents around 29,000 enterprises with 200,000 workers.

Logo Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg e.V.


The Alliance of Fiber-Based Materials (AFBW) connects science and economy, people and markets, technology and potential areas of application, of the fiber all the way to the finished product.
The transfer of knowhow is the AFBW’s most important task. By achieving this, the AFBW can add value, inspire momentum, and drive innovation.
The alliance’s goal is the promotion of the competitiveness of enterprises, universities, and research institutions in the region.

Logo food Netz, the food-focused network of Rhein-Neckar, was founded in 2018. The association’s goal is to connect and strengthen enterprises from all branches of the food industry.
Producers, processers, large and small wholesalers and retailers, suppliers, logistics companies, service providers, as well as academic actors – all have their designated place in this network, which is unlike any other in Baden-Württemberg. provides a platform for anyone that seeks to connect global thinking with regional action in the most important industries of the future.
The exchange of knowledge, cooperation, business development, as well as supporting continuing education in the food industry are center stage.

Logo Kompetenznetz Biomimetik

Competency Network Biomimetic

The Competency Network Biomimetic is a platform for scientists from various disciplines and partners from industry and economy. This network combines the competencies of bionics research groups in Baden-Württemberg that collaborate in various projects. The network was initiated by Universities of Freiburg, Tübingen, and Stuttgart, the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research Denkendorf, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History (Staatliche Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart), Reutlingen University, and Mannheim University of Applied Sciences. The network has also been supported by the Ministry of Science, Research, and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg since 2002.