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Information and education campaigns accompany the transformation process in Baden-Württemberg.

The transition to a sustainable bioeconomy is only possible when it actively involves and motivates as many actors as possible, the general public, and consumers to participate. That’s why the state is integrating aspects of the bioeconomy into training and educational programs and into public relations work.
The educational campaign “Education for Sustainable Development” (“Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung”) is taking place in schools, vocational schools, and university programs by integrating these topics and linking them with curricula and lesson plans. This serves to raise awareness of bioeconomical topics and material cycles in the younger generation.
Decision makers and employees of enterprises also need to stay informed in this quickly changing field. Doing so is the only way to remain on top of new challenges and maintain momentum.
That’s why the state provides target audience-oriented offers that are in cooperation with its educational institutions and other education providers and associations. To support this development, the administration will also be made aware. Beyond that, it will advance further information concerning the sustainable development of the state and the establishment of bioeconomical value chains.

This page is currently under construction.

Currently available informational materials:
Informationsbroschüre zu Bioschmierstoffen
Informationsbroschüre zu GreenClean

Informational events and training opportunities can be found under this category: Termine