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Education and Training

Consulting, Education, and Training Alongside the Transformational Process in Baden-Württemberg

The transition to a sustainable bioeconomy is only possible with the active and motivated participation of as many specialists, actors, and end users as possible, which is why the state is integrating aspects of the bioeconomy into its consulting, education, and training opportunities.


Individual Biogas and Bioeconomy Consulting

Within the framework of “Beratung.Zukunft.Land” (EN: Consulting.Future.Land), the Ministry of Food, Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg offers a variety of consulting modules for farms. Under the new GAP funding period starting April 2024, there will be a consulting module for bioeconomy.

Click here for more information:

Education Initiatives

Education Initiatives – Leading Region Bieoconomy

Multiple education and information initiatives are producing educational materials for consulting, education, and training in the realm of bioeconomy or one of its underlying fields, such as bioeconomic business models for future farms, construction, or communications.

These projects, as well as educational materials, are available here:
Bildungs- und Informationsinitiativen

Subject Initiatives

Subject Initiatives – Leading Region Bioeconomy

Actors from a wide range of sectors and fields of the bioeconomy are working together to develop concepts, action recommendation plans, and guidelines for the continued cultivation of the bioeconomy and the implementation of bioeconomic value chains.

Project results, action recommendation plans, and informational materials can be found here:

  • Schulnetzwerk

Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE)

Im Bereich der Schul-, Berufsschul- und Hochschulausbildung wird die nachhaltige Bioökonomie mit der Bildungskampagne „Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung“ (BNE) verknüpft und bioökonomisches Wissen in Lehr- und Ausbildungspläne integriert. Hierdurch wird das Bewusstsein für bioökonomische Themen und Stoffkreisläufe bei der jungen Generation gestärkt.
Mehr Informationen finden Sie hier:
BNE-Schulnetzwerk: N! Strategie (

Further Educational and Informational Opportunities

Current informational and educational events can be found under the Events tab.

Currently available information materials (German language)

Informationsbroschüre zu Bioschmierstoffen
Informationsbroschüre zu GreenClean

Other opportunities (German language)

Exkursionsnetzwerk Nachwachsende Rohstoffe „NaWaRo machen Schule!“ der Fachagentur für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR) e.V.